Hello everyone!! It is so great to finally get back to painting my nails and sharing and social networking with all of you! I really have missed this. This is the green nails challenge, and I'm sorry to say it's not very imaginative or creative. I was really having a bit of a creativity block with this one (I always seem to have a difficult time with green). Hopefully the next manicure will be much more exciting for you guys, but I hope you enjoy this one anyway :) I have created a second Instagram account exclusively for my nail pictures so those of you that were following me before, I have changed the name on that account. If you would like to continue seeing my nail polish pictures on Instagram, and not random pictures from the rest of my life, follow me!! Passionnforpolishh Now on to the pictures, thanks for stopping by everybody!

So this manicure started with Essie Going Incognito, then I sponged on some A-England Saint George (which may be one of my favorite colors ever) this is hard to see under the layering glitter, but in my other pictures you can vaguely see it. I added these multi-chrome blue/green flakies on top; Nfu Oh NFU50. These kept coming off really blue in most of my photos, but trust me I did use green polishes for this challenge.
Thanks again for stopping by! Don't forget to follow me on Instagram and Twitter, like my page on Facebook and of course keep checking back here for new pictures! :) Vote for your reaction at the end of the post!