Sunday, February 2, 2014

31 Manicure Challenge: #8 (Metallic Nails)

Hello everyone!! No, I have not died... I just got really busy and kind of lost the motivation and inspiration to create new manicures for this blog. So sorry for the long absence (if anyone still visits this blog). Tonight's post is the 8th manicure in the 31 manicure challenge that I started like six months ago... this one is metallic nails, and for the life of me I could not think of what to do for this one!! I was finally inspired when having a Grey's Anatomy marathon with my roommate. enjoy! :)

So for this manicure I started with Essie Aruba Blue, then I sponged on ULTA Alter Ego and A-England Merlin. Then I added the heart monitor lines using a striping brush A-England Perceval

Well thanks for stopping by to check out this post, I'll try my best not to make it another five months before I post again haha. xoxo